jueves, 10 de enero de 2008

she wakls on me

geeks do not have pedigrees, or perfect punk-rock resumes, or anorexic magazines. it smells like girl, it smells like girl. she walks over me. she walks over me. hold you close like we both died, my ever present suicide. my stupid fuck, my blushing bride. oh tear my heart out, tear my heart out. she walks over me. she walks over me. i shut my mouth with you for, i gotta use the rest of you for, yeah, i gotta shut my mouth with you for,i gotta use the rest of you. kerry, kerry please come here, don't, don't you touch me, don't you dare, we look the same, we talk the same, we are the same, we are the same. she walks over me. she walks over me. i shut my mouth with you for, i gotta use the rest of you for, yeah, i shut my mouth with, i gotta use the rest of you. now you see she walks the same, and now you see she talks the same, you never know what you will get, you never know what you'll forget. she walks over me. she walks over me.

1 comentario:

1 dijo...

que lindas fotossssssssssss y que linda la bikini con pintitas quiero una asi con pintitas celestes jaja un ebsote enorme nunca habia visto tu flog soy nueva en el blog et agrego a mi lista de blogs favoritos me encanto en epsecial porq tenes muchas fotos besotes enormes!